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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Don"t Try 1The Feedback Loop from Hell 5The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck 14So Mark, What the Fuck Is the Point of This Book Anyway? 20Chapter 2 Happiness Is a Problem 23The Misadventures of Disappointment Panda 26Happiness Comes from Solving Problems 30Emotions Are Overrated 33Choose Your Struggle 36Chapter 3 You Are Not Special 41Things Fall Apart 47The Tyranny of Exceptionalism 57B-b-b-but, If I"m Not Going to lớn Be Special or Extraordinary, What"s the Point? 60Chapter 4 The Value of Suffering 63The Self-Awareness Onion 70Rock Star Problems 76Shitty Values 81Denning Good and Bad Values 86Chapter 5 You Are Always Choosing 90The Choice 91The Responsibility/Fault Fallacy 95Responding lớn Tragedy 102Genetics and the Hand We"re Dealt 105Victimhood Chic 110There Is No "How" 112Chapter 6 You"re Wrong About Everything (But So Am I) 115Architects of Our Own Beliefs 120Be Careful What You Believe 123The Dangers of Pure Certainty 129Manson"s Law of Avoidance 136Kill Yourself 139How khổng lồ Be a Little Less Certain of Yourself 141Chapter 7 Failure Is the Way Forward 147The Failure/Success Paradox 149Pain Is Part of the Process 153The "Do Something" Principle 158Chapter 8 The Importance of Saying No 164Rejection Makes Your Life Better 170Boundaries 172How to lớn Build Trust 181Freedom Through Commitment 186Chapter 9 …And Then You Die 190Something Beyond Our Selves 195The Sunny Side of Death 200Acknowledgments 211

Editorial Reviews

I had khổng lồ get past my disdain for potty-mouth-as-marketing-tool to xuất hiện The Subtle Art…and I"m glad I did…Manson devotes a lot of time khổng lồ explaining what a jerk he was while growing up, và how his screw-ups ultimately compelled him khổng lồ be a better person—which made him a happier person. Happier, not deliriously happy. The Subtle Art is not so much about finding happiness as about finding adulthood—which is not so terrible, when you think about it.

Bạn đang đọc: The subtle art of not giving a fuck

The new york Times Book đánh giá - Judith Newman

Mark’s ability khổng lồ dig deep & offer amazing, yet counter-intuitive, insight into the challenges of life makes him one of my favorite writers, và this book is his best work yet.

Matt Kepnes

This book hits you lượt thích a much-needed slap in the face from your best friend: hilarious, vulgar, & immensely thought-provoking. Only read if you’re willing lớn set aside all excuses & take an active role in living a f***ing better life.”%COMM_CONTRIB%Steve Kamb

This book hits you lượt thích a much-needed slap in the face from your best friend: hilarious, vulgar, and immensely thought-provoking. Only read if you’re willing lớn set aside all excuses & take an active role in living a f***ing better life.

Xem thêm: 99+ Hình Xăm Cung Song Ngư Biểu Hiện Sự Tinh Tế Và Nhạy Bén, Ý Nghĩa Hình Xăm Song Ngư

Steve Kamb

The opposite of every other book. Don’t try. Give up. Be wrong. Lower your standards. Stop believing in yourself. Follow the pain. Each point is profoundly true, useful, and more powerful than the usual positivity. Succinct but surprisingly deep, I read it in one night.

Derek Sivers

Resilience, happiness & freedom come from knowing what khổng lồ care about—and most importantly, what not to care about. This is a masterful, philosophical và practical book that will give readers the wisdom to be able to do just that.

Ryan Holiday

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