Pure vitamin c 21


The use of vitamin c in K-beauty products is a hot topic.

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Is this the ultimate ingredient to restore your skin? Who knows?! This blog post is a By Wishtrend Pure Vitamin C 21.5 Advanced Serum reviews. This serum has been incredibly popular over the last year & is a must include in your skincare routine.


How To Use Pure Vitamin C 21.5 Advanced Serum

This hàng hóa can be used both in the morning or in the evening. Cleanse your face first & prep your skin with a toner. Then use the dropper to lớn dispense a couple of drops. You can apply the drops straight to your face or on your hand. Avoid putting the serum on sensitive areas like eyes, lips or injured skin.

Xem thêm: Tranh Đính Đá Cây Kim Tiền Siêu Thị Tranh Thêu, Tranh Đính Đá Phong Thủy Cây Kim Tiền

After applying the serum, let it soak in for about 15 minutes. If you applied too much serum, you’ll have sầu the remove the excess serum using toner or water.

TIP: The serum has to be stored in a cold or refrigerated area.

Note: If you put this serum on in the morning, you’ll have sầu to lớn combine it with using sunscreen. The serum contains highly concentrated acid, so you’re more prone lớn getting a sunburn.

If it is your first time using this advanced Vi-Ta-Min c serum, start by applying it just a few times a week. Let your skin get used to lớn the product. If it stings, wash it of straight away!

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