Harry Potter: 10 Unpopular Opinions About Ginny, According lớn Reddit Ginny Weasley might be an important character by the end of the Harry Potter franchise, but fans on Reddit have controversial opinions about her.

Bonnie Wright as Ginny Weasley in Harry Potter
Ginny Weasley was known for many things in the Harry Potter franchise from being the youngest Weasley lớn opening the chamber of secrets, being a brilliant quidditch player, and becoming Harry"s main love interest. Despite the minor & major changes in her life, she was relegated khổng lồ the background, especially in the movies where most fans complain she was underdeveloped.

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Her lack of development is just one of many things that fans discuss on Reddit. The platform has several controversial opinions about the youngest Weasley, both from the books và the movies. These range from her personality to lớn her relationship with Harry, và her treatment of other characters, lượt thích Fleur Delacour.

harry ginny
Ginny và Harry"s relationship started with her crush on him, which he barely noticed. They started dating in The Half-Blood Prince, & in the infamous Harry Potter epilogue they"re married with kids. Reddit user urruiskidad commented that their relationship "was executed reasonably well & realistic."

Several fans disagree with this view of the couple"s relationship as many believe it to lớn have been severely underdeveloped in the movies. Ginny, herself, was hardly in the movies or around Harry enough lớn build up their relationship before they were suddenly together. Of course, with so many other characters in the show & so many plot lines to execute, it"s understandable why there wasn"t time to focus on the love story and the bare minimum was the best they could do.

Some fans preferred Ginny from the books because she was more fleshed-out than her movie counterpart. However, the Redditor No_Risk_8848 commented that "she was an underdeveloped, poorly written character," even after reading the books.

Ginny seemed lớn change suddenly, from shy và quietly crushing on Harry to lớn confident & badass. Granted, there wasn"t much room lớn develop her, especially in the movies with so many other characters và storylines lớn focus on, but their relationship could have used a couple more moments together to lớn establish their connection & build up their relationship.

Harry và Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter sitting in Hogwarts uniforms in the Great Hall
There are many debates on Reddit on Ginny"s character, with most arguing that she was better written in the books. The Reddittor JulianPouliot disagreed with this and said, "she"s a bad imitation of Harry in some ways."

While they shared some similarities, some fans believed that in trying lớn create characters that would perfectly match each other, Ginny became a shadow of Harry with her sarcastic and aggressive nature that matches Harry"s outspokenness and anger although Harry got a backstory và reasons for that, while Ginny didn"t.

7 Harry Should Have Been With Luna Instead Of Ginny

Luna comforts Harry at Hogwarts in Harry-Potter-and-the-Order-of-the-Phoenix
While some fans didn"t agree with Harry & Ginny"s pairing, he was commonly shipped with Hermione instead. A few fans shipped him with other characters from the movies & one of the rarest ones was Luna. The Reddit user PlatonicTroglodyte said the two of them "connected early (in the war) through understanding of parental loss."

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Once they connected through that common loss, Harry was nice and civil to Luna when most people called her weird and she didn"t treat him differently because of his celebrity status. Considering this, there is a little merit to the opinion that Harry và Luna could have been a good couple. In some ways, their friendship seemed more developed than Harry"s relationship with Ginny.

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Before Harry and Ginny became a couple, he had a crush on cho Chang and for a little while, it seemed lượt thích they would be together after Cedric"s death. However, their relationship didn"t really work out, but some fans felt lượt thích they would have been a better couple like the one Reddit user who said, "Cho Chang was a better love interest for Harry than Ginny Weasley."

Both relationships were actually similar, with one-sided crushes và very limited interactions, so it"s likely Cho và Harry"s relationship would have had the same lukewarm reception as the one he had with Ginny.

5 Ginny Has A Better Relationship With Neville

While the major focus of the story was on the Golden Trio, the story occasionally cut khổng lồ other characters like Ginny and Neville. The two of them actually had a good friendship and the Redditor SherdyRavers said, "they deserved to be a couple more than Harry & Ginny" and explained their controversial opinion on the friendship between the two from the books và how they led Dumbledore"s Army together while the trio was absent.

As friends, they had a really good relationship because Ginny helped Neville become more confident and they were there for each other more than Harry ever was for Ginny一especially in the movies.

Harry Potter và the Chamber of Secrets had an intriguing plot with a great plot twist of Tom Riddle"s diary being a Horcrux that only came into play later in the franchise. However, most fans on Reddit usually rank it lower than the other books & movies in the series. In a post about unpopular opinions, the Reddit user thefideliuscharm commented that they liked Chamber of Secrets "because it features Ginny and she was my favorite character."

In the second book & movie, Ginny was the key antagonist due lớn being possessed by Tom Riddle through the journal. It was also one of the few times in Harry Potter that Ginny got more screentime, although the reveal that she was responsible for the opening of the chamber only came towards the end.

3 Ginny Shouldn"t Have Been A Background Character

The Harry Potter series focused almost entirely on the Golden Trio with a majority of the attention going lớn Harry. As a result, most of the other characters didn"t have much room for development, especially in the movies where a lot of things were cut out. The Redditor aps131997"s unpopular opinion related khổng lồ this was that "Ginny shouldn"t have been a background character for more than half the series."

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Considering that she ended up becoming the main character"s love interest, giving her more screen time would have made that development a lot more acceptable và sensible. As it is, a lot of fans feel lượt thích the relationship didn"t get the time it deserved for such a major development và most don"t see the couple as a good match. However, Ginny didn"t play much of a role in the major storylines, so bringing her khổng lồ the forefront might have made her stick out awkwardly instead.

When Fleur got engaged lớn Billy; Ginny, Hermione, và even Mrs.Weasley weren"t happy about it. Ginny and Hermione said terrible things about her lớn Harry & Ron và taunted her behind her back. Most notably was Ginny calling Fleur "Phlegm." The Reddit user lemon-oreo posted an unpopular opinion that their feud was hilarious và said, "Ginny can be meanspirited, but she is insanely funny & one of my favorite characters."

This opinion of their feud contrasts with most posts on Reddit about the girls" treatment of Fleur and how annoying & undeserved it was. Some of the taunts were set up as jokes, but beyond the surface the women"s taunts và comments about Fleur felt a lot like bullying to most fans.

1 Bonnie Wright Could Have Made Movie Ginny Better

Bonnie Wright played the part of Ginny since she was 9 years old and by the time the final movie was complete, she was 19. Most fans dislike Ginny"s character because of how she doesn"t get much development, but a few feel Wright was partly khổng lồ blame for how she turned out. The Reddit user xthecollectorx said, "Bonnie could have put a bit more emotion, some feeling, something into the lines she did have."

This view is understandable because while the script plays a big part in the making of a character, the actor"s execution of the role determines how they"re perceived. Also, having khổng lồ execute a role that"s based on a character in a book with more room khổng lồ grow and express themselves can be a challenge, resulting in a performance that fans may not be pleased with.

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