Đột Phá Tiếng Anh Là Gì

It can be conjectured that in this case the electric field is too weak lớn prevent breakthrough caused by the hydrodynamic dipole.

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This particular technique had been presented by the surgeon khổng lồ the media as a breakthrough in treatment for the condition. Once commercialized fuel markets exist, petroleum fuels can get their breakthrough if they can compete on price with fuelwood. It is unlikely that such a breakthrough occurred, given that we have not observed a significant number of đứng top managers" heads rolling. What is in little doubt, however, is that the 1960s breakthrough had a significant impact on women"s lives. This is in contrast lớn neutrally buoyant flows, where the breakthrough recovery usually is seen to decline monotonically with increasing levels of heterogeneity. Research in neuroanatomy & neurobiology, và behavioral và molecular genetics, fields all currently benefiting from breakthroughs in instrumentation và imaging technology, complement this work. This is an open-label feasibility study of a model to evaluate sublingual methadone for cancer-related breakthrough pain. Yet economic development is actually an extremely poor guide to lớn the timing of major health policy breakthroughs, much less lớn their scope or content. A condition for the selection was that any instrument considered was lớn be a technological breakthrough and have generated a musical repertoire. các quan điểm của các ví dụ quan yếu hiện ý kiến của các biên tập viên grimaceworks.com grimaceworks.com hoặc của grimaceworks.com University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

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